News 2011
  • European Commission: Economisti Associati part of a consortium led by ECORYS awarded a new framework contract with DG ECFIN for evaluation and impact assessment activities
  • European Commission: Economisti Associati part of a consortium led by ECORYS awarded a new framework contract with DG ECFIN for the evaluation of EU macro-economic financial assistance and balance of payment support programs
  • International Finance Corporation: contract for the impact assessment of IFC investment climate projects extended to cover IFC operations in Sudan
  • PRO€INVEST program: contract for the implementation of a match making event for private sector development projects in ACP countries extended to encompass the preparation of technical assistance initiatives
  • Southern Sudan: field mission for the impact assessment of IFC investment climate project
  • ECOWAS Commission: Economisti Associati awarded a contract for an investment climate assessment in West Africa (update of data base of indicators and capacity building)
  • Nepal and Congo Kinshasa: field missions for the assessment of IFC's monitoring and evaluation systems in fragile and conflict-affected countries  
  • European Commission: completed the feasibility study of a new EU program for journalists for DG INFSO, in collaboration with The Evaluation Partnership
  • European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a contract by DG Enterprise and Industry for the impact assessment study in the field of car registrations in EU countries
  • PRO€INVEST Program: finalization of proposals for the provision of technical assistance initiatives in support of the maritime sector in West Africa    
  • West Africa: Economisti Associati awarded a contract by the European Commission - DG Development Cooperation for the identification and formulation of a private sector development program in ECOWAS countries and Mauritania  
  • Investment Climate in Africa: results of impact assessment studies on investment climate reform program in four African countries published by IFC
  • ECOWAS Commission: field mission to Abuja for the launch of the investment climate assessment project  
  • West Africa: field missions to Senegal, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Sierra Leone, Mauritania, and Burkina Faso for the identification of a new EU-funded private sector development program
  • European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a contract by DG Enterprise and Industry for a study on administrative costs borne by beneficiaries of support under the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program  
  • European Commission: findings from Economisti Associati's evaluation study incorporated in the EC Communication to the European Parliament and Council on the framework program 'Security and Safeguarding Liberties'
  • West Africa: missions to Niger, Mali, Ghana, Nigeria, Benin, Togo and Cote d'Ivoire for the identification of a new EU-funded private sector development program
  • Bruxelles: results of the impact assessment for a successor of EIP presented at the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program Committee  
  • Sudan: field mission to Khartoum for the impact assessment of IFC investment climate project  
  • European Food Safety Authority: completed the study for the identification of key impact and effectiveness indicators
  • European Commission: Economisti Associati awarded a contract by DG Employment for the assessment of administrative costs in connection with the review of the Working Time Directive
  • West Africa: steering committee meeting in Ouagadougou to discuss preliminary results of the identification mission for an EU-funded regional program supporting private sector development
  • European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a contract by DG Education and Culture for the preparation of an EU level initiative to promote health-enhancing physical activity
  • European Commission: completed impact assessment study in the field of car registrations in EU countries
  • European Commission: published the feasibility study for a new EU program for journalists
  • European Commission: field work in UK, Sweden, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic and Italy for the assessment of administrative costs in connection with the review of the Working Time Directive  
  • Washington: key findings of the impact assessment of IFC investment climate reform programs in Africa presented at a workshop for IFC staff  
  • West Africa: completed the identification for a new private sector development program in ECOWAS countries and Mauritania  
  • European Commission: approved the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SME (COSME) program, whose formulation extensively builds upon the impact assessment studies carried out by Economisti Associati
  • European Food Safety Authority: published the Economisti Associati study on key impact and effectiveness indicators
  • European Commission: Economisti Associati awarded a contract by DG HEALTH for a study on indicators for EU health policies