News 2017
  • European Commission: launch of the study on general arrangements for excise taxation commissioned by DG TAXUD (CASE lead firm).
  • European Commission: launch the study on the taxation of alcohol products commissioned by DG TAXUD.
  • Nepal, Thailand, Kenya and Uganda: field work for the evaluation of EU international cooperation on Sustainable Consumption and Production.
  • European Commission: presentation of preliminary results of the evaluation of EU international cooperation on Sustainable Consumption and Production at the DEVCO Environment Week.
  • Azerbaijan: first field mission to Baku for the evaluation of EU cooperation with Azerbaijan.
  • European Commission: survey of participants in Pericles 2020-funded actions, within the framework of the evaluation commissioned by DG ECFIN.  
  • European Commission: results of the Cumulative Costs Assessment of EU Legislation for the Ceramics and Glass industries presented to stakeholders at a validation workshop in Bruxelles.  
  • EU 28: fact-finding work across all Member States for the evaluation of the directive on the fiscal marking of gas oil and kerosene commissioned by DG TAXUD.  
  • European Commission: results of the study on the taxation of tobacco products commissioned by DG TAXUD presented at the Indirect Tax Expert Group meeting in Bruxelles.  
  • European Commission: results of the study on EU-funded animal welfare international activities commissioned by DG SANTE presented at the stakeholders workshop held in Bruxelles.
  • Western and Central Africa: Economisti Associati, in collaboration with ECOPA (lead firm), awarded a new contract with the World Bank Group for the evaluation of IFC's activities supporting investment climate reform in OHADA countries.
  • Azerbaijan: completion of validation phase for the evaluation of EU cooperation with Azerbaijan
  • World Bank Group: grouping comprising Economisti Associati (Anteja lead firm) awarded the Mid Term Review of the Competitive Industries and Innovation Program (CIIP)
  • EU Countries: interviews with government authorities and stakeholders in the framework of the study on the taxation of alcohol products
  • Cameroon: field mission for the evaluation of IFC's activities supporting investment climate reform in OHADA countries
  • European Commission: completed the mid-term evaluation of the Third Health Program 2014-2020 commissioned by DG SANTE (Coffey lead firm)  
  • European Commission: completed the mid-term evaluation of the Pericles 2020 program for DG ECFIN  
  • European Food Safety Authority: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a contract for the evaluation of the European Food Safety Authority (Coffey lead firm)  
  • Ethiopia: field mission for the Mid Term Review of the Competitive Industries and Innovation Program
  • Niger: field mission for the evaluation of IFC's activities supporting investment climate reform in OHADA countries
  • European Commission: completed for the Mid-term evaluation of the Partnership Instrument (Coffey lead firm) commissioned by EEAS
  • European Commission: published the cumulative cost assessment of the EU ceramics and glass industries carried out by CEPS (lead firm), Economisti Associati and ECORYS
  • European Commission: completed the study on EU-funded animal welfare international activities commissioned by DG SANTE
  • European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded two contracts with DG TAXUD for the mid-term evaluations of the Fiscalis 2020 and Customs 2020 programs (Oxford Research lead firm)
  • European Commission: Economisti Associati part of the Coffey-led consortium awarded a framework contract with EASME for the provision of better-regulation-related activities on the Common Fisheries Policy
  • European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a new contract with DG TAXUD for a study on the implementation of the EU strategy and action plan for customs risk management (Oxford Research lead firm)
  • European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a new framework contract with DG SANTE for the evaluation and impact assessment of EU health policies
  • European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a new framework contract with DG SANTE for the evaluation and impact assessment of EU food policies  
  • Rome: Giacomo Luchetta delivers a training course on Regulatory Impact Assessment at LUISS University
  • European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a new framework contract with DG GROW for the provision of evaluations, impact assessments and economic studies
  • European Commission: completed the study on the taxation of alcohol products commissioned by DG TAXUD
  • The World Bank: completed the Mid Term Review of the Competitive Industries and Innovation Program (Anteja lead firm).
  • European Commission: Economisti Associati awarded a new contract with DG TAXUD for the evaluation of invoicing rules under the VAT Directive 2006.
  • European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a new contract with DG TAXUD for a study on measuring tax evasion of individuals (ECOPA lead firm).  
  • European Commission: completed the study on the general arrangements for excise duty commissioned by DG TAXUD (CASE lead firm).
  • European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a new contract with DG TAXUD for a study on the Single Window for Customs (Oxford Research lead firm).
  • European Commission: Economisti Associati awarded a new contract with DG TAXUD for a study on the structure and rates of excise duty applied to manufactured tobacco.
  • European Commission: completed the evaluation of EU international cooperation on Sustainable Consumption and Production for DG DEVCO.
  • European Commission: completed the evaluation of the European Customs Inventory of Chemical Substances for DG TAXUD (Coffey lead firm).  
  • European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded the first contract under the Framework Contract with DG SANTE for a data collection study on the common financial framework for the Food Chain Program (Ipsos MORI lead firm).
  • European Commission: consortium led by Economisti Associati awarded a new contract with DG NEAR for the evaluation of performance of EU Info Centers in the enlargement and neighborhood regions (Coffey lead firm).
  • European Commission: DG ECFIN issues a Communication and accompanying Staff Working Document on the Pericles 2020 program based on the results of the mid-term evaluation carried out by Economisti Associati.